Dance-Performance at the »Elephant«
With »Geneigter«, Zwoisy Mears-Clarke continues the tradition of German folk dances. Driven by emotions and engrained intentions, two dancers perform movements, scenes are enacted in German sign language and songs are sung in German. They tell a story that begins with our great-grandparents—a story that in view of the systematic silence regarding Germany’s colonial past remains largely unknown.
It is about the almost 140-year-old connection between the Germans and the Ovaherero and Nama, two indigenous tribes in Namibia. This »relationship« was violently started by Germany as a colonial power in what was then German South-West Africa (now Namibia). Historians commonly call the occurrences between 1904 and 1908 the first genocide of the 20th century.
»Geneigter« addresses these relations belonging to Germany and that, once established, cannot be undone again. Therefore, this dance amplifies the call of the Ovaherero, Nama and so many others: »Nothing about us without us!«
Zwoisy Mears-Clarke grasps herself as a choreographer of movements. Zwoisy uses the potential of dance and storytelling to visualize forms of oppression, such as neocolonialism, sexism and ableism, and to enable encounters that would be impossible under other circumstances. Alternating between spoken language and languages of movement, Zwoisy’s choreographies offer the possibility to encounter oneself and others in a new way.

Concept, Choreography: Zwoisy Mears-Clarke
Co-concept, Outside Eye: Vijitua Ndjiharine
Co-Choreography, Performance: Dodzi Dougban, Clara Marie Müller
Libretto, Music: Rishin Singh
Costume design: Kristin Gerwien, Anna Hentschel
Dramaturgy, Creative Companionship: Louise Trueheart
Consulting Expertise: Xenia Dürr, Sophia Neises, Joana Tischkau
Interpreting for German Sign Language: Sarena Bockers
Voice coach: Alessio Castellacci
Visual Description / Sign Language Poetry: Indika Sandaruwan
Audio description: Europa Grace, Zwoisy Mears-Clarke
Translation audio description: Utku Mogultay, Elena Polzer
Production management: honest work - free cultural office
Collaboration production: Esther Schneider, Franziska Hauser
Collaboration choreography: Yvonne Sembene
A production by Zwoisy Mears-Clarke in cooperation with ehrliche arbeit - freies Kulturbüro and tanzhaus nrw. Supported by Kunststiftung NRW and Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media. Supported by Künstlerhaus Lukas and Community Art Team (CAT) Cologne.