Fliegende Funken Festival - Double Feature:
Dummy / Entanglement


in English

Please choose one pricecategory 7 / 10 / 14 Euro
Bremen Pass 3 Euro
Tickethotline 0421 520 80 70 or ticket@schwankhalle.de
Box office & Bar opens one hour before the show.

Jason Shotts and Colleen Doyle are a couple. They are also the long-form improv duo named “Dummy”. They started performing together at the iO Theater in Chicago back in 2008 and proudly won the iO Chicago’s Del Award for “Best Non-Harold Improv Show” in 2013 and 2014.

In ENTANGLEMENT, a piece of London based John Agapiuo every scene contains the seed of another in this free-form comedy improv show.

Fliegende Funken Festival 2018: ›CONNECT!‹
More information fliegendefunken.de

in the frame of
SPOTLIGHT on independent Performing Arts in Bremen!
TUE 25 Sep til SUN 21 oct 2018

Presented by Landesverband Freie Darstellende Künste and Schwankhalle.

Supported by Karin und Uwe Hollweg Stiftung, Senator für Kultur der Hansestadt Bremen und Waldemar Koch Stiftung.