Drei Performer*innen sitzen im Halbkreis
Robin Hinsch

[in]operabilities #1:
A Singthing

Multi-sensual evening of arias

2024 Musiktheater
All performances with introduction.
Admission and introductions are accompanied by interpreters for DGS and German spoken language.

On Sat 5/4 with audio description and tactile tour (meeting point 19:15 in the foyer), followed by an audience discussion with DGS interpretation.

On Sun 5/5 family*friendly with childcare in the foyer.

Solidary price system:
8 / 12 / 18 € ( free choice)
Bremen Pass: 3 €
Children and young people 5-17 years: 5 €
Cultural semester ticket: free of charge
Pre-sale online only. Remaining tickets from 1 hour before the start of the event at the box office 0421 520 80 70.

Alternatively, you can reserve tickets by phone or email:
0421 520 80 70 (Mon, Wed-Fri 10:00 to 14:00, also AB) or ticket@schwankhalle.de

Please note: Our ticket hotline is not open at weekends and in the evenings. Please reserve your tickets well in advance.
Reserved tickets must be collected from the box office no later than 30 minutes before the start of the event - after this time the reservation expires.
The box office can be reached by phone from 1 hour before the start of the event at 0421 520 80 70.

A German audio description via headphones will be available for the performance on Sat 4.5. There will also be a haptic tour before the play, in which important elements of the stage space will be described. The haptic tour starts at 19:30. Meeting point at 19:15 in the foyer.

On this day we offer a pick-up service from the tram stop. From 18:30 our evening staff can be reached by telephone on 0151 53 30 1806. You are also welcome to register early for the pick-up service by telephone (0421 520 80 70), by Email.

The performance is about 75 minutes long without an intermission.

German spoken language and German sign language are used.

Loud music is played at some points.

The tribune is set into vibration in some parts of the play.

The performers play close to the audience, but do not touch them without their permission.

There are sections with flickering light and light reflections from some of the props.

The audience area is seated.

Wheelchair spaces are usually located in the front row and can be reserved in advance by telephone (0421 520 80 70), email or during checkout in our online ticket shop.

Individual requirements such as specific seats, early boarding or an additional ticket for an accompanying person can also be specified when purchasing or reserving tickets.

Further information on the accessibility of our premises can be found here. If you have any questions, please contact us at ticket@schwankhalle.de or 0421 520 80 70.

The performance on Sun 5.5. is family*friendly with free childcare for children aged 3 and over.

Childcare takes place in the foyer - children can be picked up there at any time if required.

Registration for childcare is not required. Please arrive at least 30 minutes before the start of the event to ensure a relaxed arrival.

If you have any questions about the offer, please contact anmeldung@schwankhalle.de or 0421 520 80 70.

»What you can‘t yet say, you may already be able to sing!«

When it comes to opera, many people start dreaming: of a universal language of music and feelings – a language that finally unites us all. Does the ancient powerhouse of emotions really hold opportunities for boundless understanding? Do outrageous feelings find their true expression here? Should we all finally learn to sing arias?

With the multi-sensory aria evening »A Singthing« the team of [in]operabilities presents its first project. With dramatic faces and pulsating lights, with grand gestures and touching vibrations, they design possibilities of musical communication and operatic emotional production.

[in]operabilities is an artistic research project in contemporary music theater and links the art form of opera with the question of its accessibility. In the canon and cosmos of opera, artists and interdisciplinary researchers search for forms of multisensory music-making and encounter – for collective and individual »opera-abilities«.

Mehr Infos in DGS

Über die Schwankhalle: Hier klicken
Tickets & Reservierung: Hier klicken
Barrierefreiheit: Hier klicken


Die Künstler*innen

Athena Lange studierte Schauspiel an der Schauspiel­schule Leipzig und arbeitet seitdem u.a. am Staats­theater Hannover, den Sophiensaelen Berlin und auf Kampnagel Hamburg. Sie leitet Workshops für gehörlose und hörende Kinder, arbeitet als Outside Eye und forscht zu bilingualer und gebärden­sprachlicher Theaterarbeit.

Sabrina Ma ist klassisch ausgebildete Schlag­zeugerin im Bereich der zeit­genössischen Musik und im Musiktheater. Ob als Solistin, Kammer­musikerin oder als Performerin versteht sie es, die starren Grenzen der Schlaginstrumente durch ihr sinnliches und imaginatives Spiel zu durchschreiten.

Leo Hofmann kreiert, komponiert und spielt Musiktheater, Performances, Hörspiele und Installationen. Er arbeitet mit Stimme, Elektronik und Bewegung, untersucht die Medialität von Musik, das Visuelle im Musizieren und das Körperliche im Klang.

Benjamin van Bebber arbeitet als Regisseur, Performer und Dramaturg. Im Zentrum seiner Arbeit steht die Erprobung kollektiver Arbeits­prozesse im Musiktheater und die Stimme als Möglichkeit experimenteller Begegnungen. Mit Leo Hofmann verbindet ihn seit 2014 eine intensive Zusammenarbeit, in deren Zentrum Musik als Möglichkeit von Kommunikation und Resonanz steht.

Mehr Info unter inoperabilities.net ↗


Concept & Direction: Benjamin van Bebber
Concept, Musical Direction & Performance: Leo Hofmann
Performance: Athena Lange & Sabrina Ma
Dramaturgy: Franziska Henschel
Light & Stage Design: Ladislav Zajac
Costume Design: Jessica Gadani
Dramaturgical Cooperation, PR & Creative Producer: Jeanne Charlotte Vogt
Cooperation Direction & Production: Vivian Celina Chu Mei Wu
Mediation, PR & Outside-Eye: Susanne Tod
Advice & Outside-Eye: Eyk Kauly & Emil Leske
Voice-Coaching: Marie Sophie Richter

DGS-Interpreter: Christina Müller
DGS-Translation: Dr. phil. Daniela Happ
Graphic / Website: Rana Karan, Bela Meiers, Johanna Schäfer
Photography: Robin Hinsch, Jens Seemann
Scribbles: Lea Walther

A production by [in]operabilities. Co-production: Kampnagel. Funded by the Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media and by the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, Ministry of Culture and Media, the Susanne und Michael Liebelt Stiftungsfonds under the umbrella of the Hamburgische Kulturstiftung, the Swiss cultural foundation Pro Helvetia and the City of Zurich Culture. Preliminary research made possible by the kind support of the „Was zählt!“ fund for artists and cultural workers of the Claussen-Simon Foundation.

Supported by the NATIONALES PERFORMANCE NETZ Gastspielförderung Theater, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media and the Ministries of Culture and the Arts of the federal states.