Eine Bühne voller lachender Menschen
Lys Y. Seng

Sarah Fartuun
Let’s Play

Game / interactive Performance
An event of the Black Story Month Bremen

2024 Black Story Month
An event of the Black Story Month Bremen

Solidary price system:
8 / 12 / 18 € ( free choice)
Bremen Pass: 3 €
Children and young people 3-18 years: 5 €

Black, Afro-diasporic and Afro-German persons: 0 € (select the »BSM-Ticket« category when purchasing online tickets)

Cultural semester ticket: 0 €

Pre-sale online only. Remaining tickets from 1 hour before the start of the event at the box office (Tel. 0421 520 80 70).

Alternatively, you can reserve tickets by phone or email:
Tel 0421 520 80 70 (Mon, Wed-Fri 10:00 to 14:00, also AB) or ticket@schwankhalle.de

Please note: Our ticket hotline is not open at weekends and in the evenings. Please reserve your tickets well in advance.
Reserved tickets must be collected from the box office no later than 30 minutes before the start of the event - after this time the reservation expires.
The box office can be reached by phone from 1 hour before the start of the event at 0421 520 80 70.

»Let‘s Play: MusicTheatre« is an interactive game that lasts as long as all players agree to - up to a maximum of 90 minutes.

Mainly German spoken language is used, but all languages represented in the room can be included.

All participants play together and develop the story while playing. It is therefore not possible to predict in advance whether content triggers will occur.

Various seating options are available (chairs, beanbags, sofas, etc.).

It is possible to leave and re-enter the room at any time.

The room is rather dark and there are changing colorful lighting moods. The ways to enter and leave the hall are well-illuminated at all times.

Further information on the accessibility of our venue can be found here ↗. If you have any questions, please contact us at ticket@schwankhalle.de or 0421 520 80 70

The performance will be filmed by the Fonds Darstellende Künste for documentation purposes. Persons who do not wish to be captured on film will be given the opportunity to have a sticker attached to their clothing before admission. If you have any questions about the video documentation, please contact our evening staff.

Sarah Fartuun Heinze has brought along the (participatory and performative) game principle »Let’s Play: MusicTheatre« – and turns it into common (game) material. It is a game whose rules we invent together as we play it. A participatory music-­theater-­game-­performance. A story we tell each other while experiencing it together. Music we create while we enjoy it. The most important thing is that everyone is feeling fine. Everything else comes from that. Sarah Fartuun Heinze invites us to raise questions together and progress in an aesthetically inquiring way, or: to saunter, try things out and play. To do so, we need neither programming skills nor prior knowledge. Anyone who likes to play – digital, analog or theatrical games – is in exactly the right place here.

»Let’s Play: MusicTheatre« celebrated its premiere test match at zeitraumexit Mann¬heim and was played at the Fusion festival, the “Theater der Dinge” festival of the Schau¬bude Berlin and the “Spurensuche” festival at HochX Munich. A combination of workshop, tutorial and play test was developed from “Let’s Play: Music¬Theatre” for the “Queer B-¬Cademy: EMOTIONAL SPACE AGE” festival at Kampnagel.

Sarah Fartuun Heinze is a theater-maker, aesthetic researcher, performer, game designer, musician, author, dramaturge, and cultural creator as well as a member of the Initiative Creative Gaming and the Neue Deutsche Medien­macher*innen. Digital and analog games have always inspired Sarah Fartuun Heinze, a Black­(-gender-)­queer*­feminist – and continue to do so. One of her favorite games is »Zelda: Ocarina of Time,« probably because the key to most of the puzzles is music – as so often, also far away from screens and (theater) stages.

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