Radio of things:
Live-Broadcast about the thing with the things


For all
On the dike behind Schwankhalle

In the frame of the topic ›Über die Dinge/On things‹

Free admission

Since January, young editors from Bremen have been searching for the stories of things. The Radio of Things is set for a final, culminating broadcast. In vivid situations between Sankt-Pauli-Deich and Schwankhalle, the Radio of Things gets to the bottom of sending and receiving. Clear and with a love for details, funny and sentimental, and always with a special eye for the shared life of things and people, commonly called biography.

In cooperation with All-day elementary school at Buntentorsteinweg, KlimaWerkStadt and Wilhelm Wagenfeld Foundation.

Supported by the project ›Jugend ins Zentrum‹ of the Federal association of sociocultural centers in the frame of ›Kultur macht stark! Bündnisse für Bildung‹ of the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF)