

with Lahya Aukongo:
One World Poetry Night

Eine Veranstaltung von Zukunft ist bunt

Our registration list is full for this event.
›› Livestream starts at 7.30 pm here

Stefanie-Lahya Aukongo can not present at the event, as she belongs to the Corona risk group. She will send a video-message.

Recommendation for donations: 5-10 Euro. The donations go to the ASFA International e.V. (African Solidarity for Action) in Hamburg. People with low income and refugees have free admission.
Limited capacity
Registration recommended under 0421 520 80 70 or

What does a ›sense of belonging‹ mean to me? This is the question that Black artists will ask themselves on stage at Bremen’s first One World Poetry Night. The poets deal with sociopolitical problems in the form of poems, accompanied by Black moderation and Black musicians. The Poetry Night with the leading artist Stefanie-Lahya Aukongo provides space to see society with different eyes and call it into question.

Stefanie-Lahya Aukongo is a Black, intersectional artist, writer, poet, curator, multiplier, singer, activist, workshop instructor, and photographer. Her art reflects her social realities as a Black, phat-is-beautiful, queer, disabled, neurodiverse femme of color. Since 2014 Lahya has been curating and moderating the monthly spoken-word event series “One World Poetry Night” in Berlin. She is a member of the soul-inspired acoustic duo ›Lahya & Jokaa‹. Her texts have appeared in various publications, and she has also published the books ›Kalungas Kind‹ and ›Buchstabengefühle‹.