Mbene Mbunga Mwambene:
The Whispers

Performance (EN)

on SAT Sep 21 + audience talk with Mbene Mbunga Mwambene, Dr. Shola Adenekan and Oluseun Tanimomo of the Institute for postcolonial and transcultural Studies (INPUTS) at the University of Bremen

In the frame of the thematic focus ›Does Perspective Matter?‹

Joint price system 14 / 10 / 7 EURO, Kids & Teens up to 18 5 EURO, Bremen Pass 3 EURO. No further reductions.
Phone 0421 520 80 70 or ticket@schwankhalle.de.
​Box office opens 1 hour before performance starts

The solo ›The Whispers‹ is a journey from slavery to colonialism. With the means of storytelling, music and dance, Mbene Mwambene follows his own path in life and retraces the history of his family. In doing so, he raises bigger questions: Can a young, open-minded African – in this case from Zambia and Malawi – freely choose what he would like to become? How can he decolonize himself in Europe? Can he even undermine common stereotypes with his own body? And is theater the adequate medium for this?

Coproduction: Schlachthaus Theater Bern.
In Cooperation with Manaka Empowerment Prod.
With kind support of PRAIRIE - The co-production model of Migros-Kulturprozent with innovative Swiss theatre companies