Markus & Markus:
Zwischen den Säulen


Was soll das? with Maren Witte/HKS Ottersberg

Please choose one pricecategory 7 / 10 / 14 Euro
Bremen Pass 3 Euro
Tickethotline 0421 520 80 70 or
Box office & Bar opens one hour before the show.

Markus&Markus belong to the so-called German-German majority society. Theater is always an occasion for them to totally indulge in a theme. This was the case with their Ibsen trilogy, whose parts they have been presenting at the Schwankhalle since 2015.

And it is also the case with ›Zwischen den Säulen‹ that documents the journey to one of the Abrahamic religions: Islam. The piece is both fiction and reality, status quo and utopia. It doesn‘t explain the world, it creates a world. A travelogue of a paper chase with an unknown destination, in which they follow the instructions of a game master unknown to them.

Gefördert durch Stiftung Niedersachsen, MWK Niedersachsen, Fonds Darstellende Künste, Friedrich-Weinhagen Stiftung.