Magda Korsinsky: Stricken
What do African-German women think about their grandparents’ past? The installation ›Stricken‹ presents interviews with African-German women whose white grandmothers lived during the period of National Socialism. It was inspired by the book ›Amon. Mein Großvater hätte mich erschossen‹ by Jennifer Teege who at the age of 38 found out that she is the granddaughter of the concentration camp commander Amon Göth. How do the different generations treat each other? Which values are passed on? Which ones are accepted, criticized, questioned, altered, or rejected? The focus is on female-connoted everyday life: What gestures and daily activities convey ideals, pass on knowledge, teach attitudes?
In cooperation with Savvy Contemporary e.V. and Ballhaus Naunynstraße.
With kind support of Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa, Berlin and the Rudolf Augstein Foundation.
With the kind autorisation of DENGLER und DENGLER Galerie für Schöne Künste, Stuttgart