

Lucie Tempier: City Lights

Dance Theatre for people 6 years and older

Admission free

What do you wish for when you see a falling star? Can one eat stardust? Are there beings or children hiding behind the stars that could be your friends? Children aged six to ten set off on a search for danced images and stories dedicated to the theme of light. They found it in the lightshows in the sky at night and in the broad expanse of the universe, but also in the depths of the ocean. Now they stand in the limelight of the theater and show us not only the bright moments of life, but also situations in which they would rather be invisible or hide in the protecting shadows.


Project by Quartier gGmbH in cooperation with SOS Kinderdorf, Ganztagsgrundschule an der Karl-Lerbs-Strasse, Jugendfreizeitheim Neustadt, Olbers Planetarium Bremen.
Supported by ChanceTanz, a project of „Bundesverband Tanz in Schulen e. V.“ in the frame of ›Kultur macht stark! Bündnisse für Bildung‹ of the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF)