Sarai Meyron
& Franziska Bauer:
No Words of Warmth
Collaborative performative reading and talk (DE / EN)
In a colloborative performative reading, artist Sarai Meyron and the designer Franziska Bauer will discuss their book »No Words of Warmth«. The conceptual development and exchange that they had during the creation process will come to the forefront of the talk. With an emphasis on the themes of the book through the lens of translation - not only of language, because the book is in German and English, but also of backgrounds, as Sarai Meyron comes from a Jewish and migratory background, and Franziska Bauer from a German Christian one.
»No Words of Warmth« is a multifaceted and hybrid art book — combining text, sound, and images — that provides a glimpse of a young Jewish woman’s life as an artist in Germany. Associations relating to the roles of sister, daughter, mother, and grandmother are woven together through the eyes of the protagonist to create a cohesive feminist voice that explores the past and its influence on the present. Reality blurs with fantasy in a form of stream-of-consciousness writing that is as true as memory or remembered history. Energized by a process of critical selfreflection, this book can be seen as a stand against dehumanization, and a reflection of Jewish life in Germany today.
Instagram @sarai.meyron ↗ / @franzlbauerr ↗