

Eine Bildcollage aus vielen Gewitterwolken
Gabriela Valdespino

Katrin Hylla:

Performance for people aged 10+

family*friendly with childcare service

Solidary price system:
8 / 12 / 18 € ( free choice)
Bremen Pass: 3 €
Children and young people 5-17 years: 5 €

Cultural semester ticket: free of charge

Pre-sale online only. Remaining tickets from 1 hour before the start of the event at the box office 0421 520 80 70.

Alternatively, you can reserve tickets by phone or email:
0421 520 80 70 (Mon, Wed-Fri 10:00 to 14:00, also AB) or

Please note: Our ticket hotline is not open at weekends and in the evenings. Please reserve your tickets well in advance.
Reserved tickets must be collected from the box office no later than 30 minutes before the start of the event - after this time the reservation expires.
The box office can be reached by phone from 1 hour before the start of the event at 0421 520 80 70.

Duration: approx. 80 minutes.

In German spoken language with songs in English spoken language.

There are intense light and fog effects as well as dazzling lights and reflections. In some places there is loud and sudden music, loud noises and loud screaming.
In one scene, magic tricks are performed (sawing, sword swallowing) but nothing happens to anyone.
In some dialogues, threatening future scenarios are told that deal with the climate crisis and war.

The audience area is seated.

Wheelchair spaces are usually located in the front row and can be reserved in advance by telephone (0421 520 80 70), email or during checkout in our online ticket shop.

Individual requirements such as specific seats, early boarding or an additional ticket for an accompanying person can also be specified when purchasing or reserving tickets.

Further information on the accessibility of our premises can be found here. If you have any questions, please contact us at or 0421 520 80 70.

The performance on Sat 1.2. is family*friendly with free childcare for children aged 3 and over.

Childcare will take place in the foyer - children can be picked up there at any time if required.

It is not necessary to register for childcare. Please arrive at least 30 minutes before the start of the event to ensure a relaxed arrival.

‘Trouble is an interesting word. It means ‘to stir up,’ ‘to make cloudy,’ ‘to disturb.’

(Donna Haraway: Staying with the Trouble)

We have made clouds and expose ourselves to storms. We ask: How do we remain stable in the eye of this tornado of information and unsettling news? We often feel powerless in the face of all this trouble. Sometimes we would just like to hide and pull the covers over our heads. But: We don’t want it to stay that way! Five performers between 10 and 43 years of age look for ways to deal with the gloomy scenarios we encounter daily on all channels. Can cotton candy, magic tricks or poems by Kae Tempest help? How can we respond together to all the trouble? And how can we become strong without hardening ourselves?

Jüngere und ältere Performer*innen posieren mit einer Leiter
Gabriela Valdespino
Eine Makro-Aufnahme von Zuckerwatte
Gabriela Valdespino
Ein Bild einer tanzenden Person mit starker Bewegungsunschärfe
Gabriela Valdespino
Chris, einer der Performer, liegt in gelbes Licht getaucht auf dem Boden
Gabriela Valdespino
Eine pinke Wolke aus Zuckerwatte
Gabriela Valdespino


Performance: Kristin Gerwien, Chris Herzog, Klara Jaeger, Mari Rahner, Inuma Niklaus
Concept & direction: Katrin Hylla
Stage design & costume design: Arnita Jaunsubrena
Stage design adaptation, installation: Anja Fußbach
Music: Ole Wulfers und Phoebe Killdeer
Dramaturgy: Simone Ehlen
Light design: Josephine Mielke
Video design: Gabriela Valdespino
Technical Direction: Nell Heuer
Assistance direction: Anne Storm
Assistance stage design: Kateřina Bártková
Production management: Henriette Koch

Funded by the Kulturstiftung des Bundes (German Federal Cultural Foundation). Funded by the Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media).