Katrin Hylla:
Performance for people aged 10+
‘Trouble is an interesting word. It means ‘to stir up,’ ‘to make cloudy,’ ‘to disturb.’
(Donna Haraway: Staying with the Trouble)
We have made clouds and expose ourselves to storms. We ask: How do we remain stable in the eye of this tornado of information and unsettling news? We often feel powerless in the face of all this trouble. Sometimes we would just like to hide and pull the covers over our heads. But: We don’t want it to stay that way! Five performers between 10 and 43 years of age look for ways to deal with the gloomy scenarios we encounter daily on all channels. Can cotton candy, magic tricks or poems by Kae Tempest help? How can we respond together to all the trouble? And how can we become strong without hardening ourselves?
Performance: Kristin Gerwien, Chris Herzog, Klara Jaeger, Mari Rahner, Inuma Niklaus
Concept & direction: Katrin Hylla
Stage design & costume design: Arnita Jaunsubrena
Stage design adaptation, installation: Anja Fußbach
Music: Ole Wulfers und Phoebe Killdeer
Dramaturgy: Simone Ehlen
Light design: Josephine Mielke
Video design: Gabriela Valdespino
Technical Direction: Nell Heuer
Assistance direction: Anne Storm
Assistance stage design: Kateřina Bártková
Production management: Henriette Koch
Funded by the Kulturstiftung des Bundes (German Federal Cultural Foundation). Funded by the Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media).