Katrin Bretschneider:
While expectant mothers are rarely asked why they want a child, non-expectant women are often on the defensive. A mother doesn’t need a reason for wanting a child. But arguments are expected for the decision not to have a child. Voluntarily childless women often cause irritations and are deemed suspicious. The term ›childless‹ already implies a deficit. Non-mothers need a good plan B – if a woman doesn’t want to be a mother, something else is needed to establish their identity – something so big that it can compete with the significance of motherhood.
In ›mOtherhood‹, Katrin Bretschneider asks what happens when she gradually turns from a woman who does NOT YET have children into a woman who will NEVER have children. Who will she be, when she will not be a mother? What role models and identity offers exist, which ones need to be created? What could a positively connoted transition ritual to becoming a non-mother look like? The project questions prevailing role patterns and searches with artistic means for new definitions of the role image of the non-mother.
BY AND WITH Katrin Bretschneider
SUPPORT VISUALS Doris Weinberger
KRITTER-OBJECTS Mario Ziegenbalg
TECHNIC Jürgen Kääriäinen
Gefördert vom Bremer Senator für Kultur. Mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Schwankhalle Bremen und der Bremischen Zentralstelle für die Verwirklichung der Gleichberechtigung der Frau (ZGF).
Besonderen Dank an: Marianne Menke/ Theaterfotografie, Florian Weiner/ flowtime-productions, Johanna Pätzold, Simon Makhali, Anne Williges, Daniela Mertsch, Heike Köster, Theaterhaus Pilkentafel und das Team der Schwankhalle Bremen.