

More Sound for everyone! Inclusion in the music industry

Panel Talk in the frame of the jazzahead! Clubnight

jazzahead! Clubnight
Panel Talk
Admission free

Tickets for the concert aftwerwards at ↗

39 € / 19* € reduced

valid from 17:00 in 35 locations in Bremen incl. VBN ticket**

* The reduced price applies to schoolchildren, students, those doing federal voluntary service, trainees, unemployed persons and those with a severe disability of 70% or more (the accompanying person is admitted free of charge).
Registered participants of jazzahead! 2025 also receive discounted Clubnight tickets.

** The VBN ticket is valid from April 25 from 15:00 to April 26 10:00 on all VBN transport in 2nd class

All public areas of the Schwankhalle are at ground level and accessible without steps.

There are three different toilets: an accessible toilet that is also suitable for wheelchair users, a toilet with three cubicles and a toilet with urinals and a toilet cubicle.

Individual requirements such as specific seats, early boarding or an additional ticket for an accompanying person can also be specified when purchasing or reserving tickets.

Further information on the accessibility of our premises can be found here: Accessibility. If you have any questions, please contact us at or 0421 520 80 70.

How inclusive is the music scene really? This panel brings event organizers, artists and representatives of inclusive initiatives together to discuss barriers, best practices and ways to allow members of the audience and musicians with disabilities to equitably take part. Together we will talk about how events can be made barrier-free and the sector can become more diverse.

With Arne Frankenstein (The State Disability Ombudsman of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen ↗), Anna K. Becker (artistic co-direction Schwankhalle), Anna Reizbikh (Singer Collective One), Angelika Neuse (Gesamtkunstwerk e.V. ↗)

Hosted by Tonia Sperling (Expert for Insclusion and Theater)