Jan van Hasselt:
Supernazi VS Diddl Maus


following artist talk

Joint Price System
14 / 10 / 7 EURO 3 EURO Bremen Pass.
Tickethotline 520 80 70 or ticket@schwankhalle.de. Box office from 1 hour before performance starts.

Why are there no superheroes like Batman or Superman in German pop culture? Why no monsters such as Dracula, King Kong or Godzilla? The United States act out their patriotism and claim to being a world power with them, while Japan uses them to cope with its defeat in the Second World War. And the Germans, soccer world champions, inhabitants of a defeated nation and disempowered members of the master race, have nothing? Since 1945, the German monsters and superheroes have been about in a psychotropic Germanic primeval soup between Supernazi and Diddl Maus. Supported by Christoph Spehr as a cultural anthropological chain smoker and ANKK L as a thumping, postindustrial intermission orchestra, JVHAsselt seeks whether deep inside the subcutaneous levels of German pop there is not something superhero-like lying dormant, brooding, seething, and raging after all. With wigs, orgies of violence and an audience quiz.

CO-PRODUCTION Schwankhalle and Netzwerk Freie Theater (NFT).

Supported by the Senate of Culture of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen and the Filmbüro Bremen e.V.