Inclusive Dance Workshop
with Doris Uhlich (Vienna)

Dance Workshop

for all age groups, people with and without physical disabilites
no previous knowledge required

participation fee 14/10 EURO (Bremen Pass 3 EURO)
Limited number of participants
Registration required until WED 8 MAY under or Tel 0421 520807-10

Which movements appear like batteries that charge the body? Where to bodies set off to, when the batteries are increasingly charged? Walking on legs, driving in wheelchairs, sitting on machines, wearing prostheses, leaning on crutches. Each body had different possibilities to shape itself up. With her method of „Energetic Icons“, Doris Uhlich lets individual and collective forms of energetic dance emerge. We gradually enter into a dance in which not the form but the energy of a movement is at the fore. While dancing, we explore and experience how energy is transferred from humans to humans and from humans to machines.

Guest Performance Doris Uhlich EVERY BODY ELECTRIC (Small Version)

In cooperation with tanz_bar bremen in the frame of eigenARTig – Tanz für alle, supported by Aktion Mensch.
Guest performance supported by DANCE ON TOUR Austria. Coproduction: Tanzquartier Wien, Schauspiel Leipzig and insert (Theaterverein). With friendly support by the cultural office of the city of Vienna.