

Drei Menschen in computer-generierter Darmlandschaft
Katja Ruge, Dinah Büchner, Kattu Mixtelena Newiger

lost particles
– das Darmstück

Dance & Rap by
Katze Greeven & Kattú Mitxelena Newiger
and Rapper Finna

With Q&A

Solidary price system:
8 / 12 / 18 € ( free choice)
Bremen Pass: 3 €
Children and young people 5-17 years: 5 €

Cultural semester ticket: free of charge

Pre-sale online only. Remaining tickets from 1 hour before the start of the event at the box office 0421 520 80 70.

Alternatively, you can reserve tickets by phone or email:
0421 520 80 70 (Mon, Wed-Fri 10:00 to 14:00, also AB) or

Please note: Our ticket hotline is not open at weekends and in the evenings. Please reserve your tickets well in advance.
Reserved tickets must be collected from the box office no later than 30 minutes before the start of the event - after this time the reservation expires.
The box office can be reached by phone from 1 hour before the start of the event at 0421 520 80 70.

All public areas of the Schwankhalle are at ground level and accessible without steps.

There are three different toilets: an accessible toilet that is also suitable for wheelchair users, a toilet with three cubicles and a toilet with urinals and a toilet cubicle.

The audience area is generally seated.
The wheelchair spaces are located in the front row and can be reserved in advance by telephone 0421 520 80 70, by email or by making an entry in the ticketshop.

Individual requirements such as specific seats, early boarding or an additional ticket for an accompanying person can also be specified when purchasing or reserving tickets.

Further information on the accessibility of our premises can be found here: Accessibility. If you have any questions, please contact us at or 0421 520 80 70.

They talk about feces, illness and death.

In »lost particles – das Darmstück,« the choreographers Kattú Mitxelena Newiger & Katze Greeven along with rapper Finna invite us to a journey through our digestive system. The stage: a gut. a wasteland. Its microbiome is becoming extinct, while our living environment is losing its diversity. Species extinction both around us and inside us. You are what you eat.

A scenario is created between humor and disgust, a dripstone cave made of fear, sorrow, anger, desire, shame, and joy. Small intestine, large intestine, intestinal villi and feces roll and unroll in a dialog between movement and rap. The artists subvert choreographies, disassemble rhythms and narratives, transform the stage in place of what does not want to be seen: A post-apocalyptic inner wasteland in which bowel cleansing fails as the last resort. How to live, how to dance, how to poop in a world where everything is falling apart? As a dramaturgy of decomposition, the transformation process in the gut becomes a symbol of a world that has been thrown out of joint.


Choreography and Performance: Katze Greeven & Kattú Mitxelena Newiger
Performance and Rap: Finna
Stage design: Esther Adam
Dramaturgy: Judith Strottkötter

Thanks to:
Interview microbiome transplantation: Hannah Behnsen
Gym ball donation: Thanks to Katrin Brettschneider and Doris Weinberger
Print Shirts: Leo Baumann und 3B-Siebdruckwerkstatt
Photography: Mariann Menke
Video: Zeinab Haidary
Teaser: Mael Glass

Coproduction: Schwankhalle. With support by Senator of Culture of the City of Bremen and the Karin and Uwe Hollweg Foundation.