

Eine Collage aus echten und gebastelten Weichtieren
Freund*innen der Weichtiere

der Weichtiere
(Friends of Mollusks)

»My body belongs to me«
Theater workshop with puppet building, sound experiments and storytelling

(Soft Gathering mit Pasta)
With Mathias Becker & Simon Noa Harder

For up to 12 FLINTAQ & Friends (Women, girls, lesbians, inter, non-binary, trans*, agender/ asexual & queers) from 15 years

Participation is free of charge.
For drinks, cake etc. we kindly ask for a contribution to cover costs according to your possibilities.

Please register by 19.4. at

For pasta, cake & co. please inform us of any food intolerances with your registration!

All event spaces in the Schwankhalle are at ground level and accessible without steps. The workshop will take place in the old hall.

The workshop will be held in German spoken language, DIY translations into English spoken language are no problem.

The workshop takes place in a relaxed atmosphere.

Further information on the accessibility of our premises can be found here. If you have any questions, please contact us at or 0421 520 80 70.

»Freund*innen der Weichtiere / Friends of Mollusks« is a workshop series dedicated to the theme of »My body belongs to me.« The workshops are taking place in Bremen from November 2023 to August 2024. It is possible to attend individual workshops or all of them. The joint process will result in an installation to be presented at the Schwankhalle in autumn of 2024. Workshop participants are invited to contribute to the creation of this installation. This is at all times voluntary. Participating in a workshop entails no obligation.

This workshop consists of different stations. You are welcome to attend one or all parts of the workshop! The workshops address young people from the age of 15, and in particular young FLINTAQ & friends (women, girls, lesbians, inter, non-binary, trans*, agender/ asexual & queers).

Station 1
Soft Gathering: getting to know each other at a DIY buffet offering soft treats.

Station 2
What do »mollusks« have to do with »My body belongs to me«? At issue here are the superpowers of snail slime, softies, strong and soft bodies, shame, and much more.

Station 3
In a first approach to the puppet theater, we build our super mollusks out of everyday materials. In animation attempts, we then bring them to life.

Station 4
We experiment with sounds and noises, and if you choose, also with voices: What do mollusks hear? What sounds do they make when their borders are respected? What does the environment in which they feel good sound like? To what do they (not) respond? The sounds will be recorded.

About the workshop hosts:
We are queer and trans* and much more. Mathias likes flowers, pizza and make-up. He likes to work in groups and is a drag performer, musician, puppeteer and director. Simon is a water­rat, likes snails, avatars and costumes, likes to build community spaces, preferably with DIY charm and glitter, and works as an art­mediator*, artist* and scientist*.

»Freund*innen der Weichtiere« is a sub-project of »Friends of Dorothy«. The project is supported by the Jupiter Fund of the German Federal Cultural Foundation, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.