Bestattungen aus machtkritischer Perspektive
Tausend Tode Festival
Who can be mourned? Who is remembered? Burial practices in Germany are characterized by power relations, especially by classism and heteronormativity. In Germany, more and more people with low income, for whom no relatives can assume the burial duty, are currently being buried by health authorities and offices of public order without a gravestone and name, without memorial services and flowers. In some cases, like in the Berlin district of Neukölln, collective burials are conducted once a month at one-minute intervals by the office of public order. These people were often already marginalized and socially excluded during their lifetime.
Francis Seeck reveals the connections between power relations, exclusion and burial practices, while also including their own story. It is furthermore about resistance at anonymous cemetery fields mounted by mourners, activists, researchers, and employees—very much in the sense of »Rest in protest!«