

Eine Reihe von Passbildern mit schwarzen Kreisen
Karl Rummel

For Your
Eyes Only

Eins-zu-Eins Festival
auf der Galopprennbahn

Externer Spielort
The venue is not accessible for wheelchair users and people with impaired mobility. Some paths lead over unpaved ground - in case of bad weather please wear sturdy shoes.

Please note: On Sat 22.10. there may be interruptions and detour in the network of the BSAG due to the Freimarkt parade. Detailed information can be found on the info page of the BSAG ↗.

Thursdays 6:00 pm—9:00 pm
Fridays 6:00 pm—10:00 pm
Saturdays 3:00 pm—10:00 pm
Sundays 2:00 pm—6:00 pm

Galopprennbahn Bremen
Ludwig-Roselius-Allee, 28329 Bremen
Google Maps ↗

Please note: On Sat 22.10. there may be interruptions and detour in the network of the BSAG due to the Freimarkt parade. Detailed information can be found on the info page of the BSAG ↗.

Combiticket for 3 performances: 9 €
You book an individual time slot for your visit.
Please pick up your ticket at the box office at least 15 minutes before the start of your time slot

Reservations at 0421 520 80 70 (Mon, Wed-Fri 10:00 to 14:00, also answering machine) or
Last-minute reservations on the performance days (Thu 17:00-20:00, Fri 17:00-21:00, Sat 13:00-21:00, Sun 13-17:00) are possible under the mobile number 0174 763 50 61

The box office opens 1 hour before the start of the event.

Sophia Bizer, Riccardo Castagnola, Simone Ehlen, Jakob Engel und Jan Philipp Stange, Birgit Freitag & Neus Ledesma Vidal, Katharina Greeven, Jan van Hasselt, Hysterisches Globusgefühl, Rebecca Junghans, Alexandra Llorens, Reza Nouri Arfae, Daniel Riedel, Karl Rummel, Magali Sander Fett, Emilia Sting, Andy Zondag & Janis E. Müller & Julie Savchenko

Zum Festivalprogramm ↗

The artists are tested on a daily basis. We are grateful if you also test yourself before visiting the festival!

With “For your eyes only,” the Schwankhalle invites the audience to a On-on-One Festival on the grounds of the former racecourse in Vahr on three weekends in October. In the towers once used to watch the horseraces, in the catering pavilions and the former betting stalls, 15 Bremen-based artists await their audience—with short 15-minute performances for one member of the audience at a time developed specifically for the festival.

The works presented in an exclusive tête-à-tête are as varied as Bremen’s art scene. Here, artificial intelligence meets fortune-telling, baile funk meets a wheel of fortune, and a queer family get-together meets a balancing act with a Plexiglas pane—just to mention a few of the numerous combination possibilities.

External venue: Galopprennbahn +++

Because for once, the visitors do not decide themselves for which performance they purchase a ticket. Instead, a period of time is selected and the artists they will encounter are drawn by lot. What is recommended is a combination bet with at least three 15-minute performances. Minor waiting times can be perfectly bridged in the temporary betting lounge in the festival center.

In addition to the productions of the Bremen-based artists, we will present two guest performances in the frame of the festival that also function according to the one-on-on principle: With ›Artist Talk›, Jan Philipp Stange invites the audience to a personal tête-à-tête between human and avatar, and in ›Die Vier in der Nähe‹ (›Four in the Vicinity‹) the Hysterisches Globusgefühl collective asks how one can actually look four people in the eye at the same time.

Also in the frame of »For Your Eyes Only« (venue Schwankhalle)

‚For Your Eyes Only‘ is a follow-up project to ‚Blind Dates‘ as part of the Homo Novus Festival in Bremen‘s partner city Riga, in cooperation with the Homo Novus Festival and the Goethe Institut Riga.