Clément Layes: Allege

Philosophical acrobatics for unconventional thinkers and children from the age of 6

SAT 9 FEB following artist talk
SUN 10 FEB with coffee, cake and The Jukebox Thing in the Foyer
in English (but also consistent without understanding the text)

In the frame of the thematic focus ON THINGS

Joint price system 14 / 10 / 7 EURO, Kids and teens aged up to 18 years 5 EURO, Bremen Pass 3 EURO. No other discounts.
Tel 0421 520 80 70 or Box office open from 1 hour before performance starts.

Our everyday life consists of routines that help us meet omnipresent demands. At the same time, they limit us, disregard alternatives, and obscure the view to a different and perhaps better world. It is a balancing act we perform each and every day. In ›Allege‹, the Berlin-based choreographer Clément Layes translates these routines into bodily restraints. Balancing a glass becomes an obstacle preventing self-imposed tasks, which at first appear meaningless, from being accomplished. Disturbed and amused, we follow the efforts of the man onstage trying to water a little plant. Yet despite all disconcertment, an inherent logic seems to exist in each of the innumerable attempts. Undeterred, he realizes his plans with acrobatic dexterity. What at first appears as an entertaining slapstick turns into a witty and profound exploration of the world before the eyes of the audience. In next to no time, Clément Layes dismantles traditional knowledge, rearranges meaning, and gives rise to a new world.


DRAMATURGY Jasna L. Vinovrski
MUSIC David Byrne
KOSTUME DESIGN Public in Private
LIGHT DESIGN Ruth Waldeyer, Florian Bach

Guest performance made possible by the NPN Guest Performance Fund for Dance financed by funds of the German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media and the Ministries for the Arts and Culture of the states.

Thanks to SOPHIENSÆLE, Tanztage Berlin, Festival Ardanthé, Dock 11, CND Paris.