

Christoph Ogiermann, Tim Schomacker,
Martin Clausen: Aller Tage (ATA ATA)


Residency 12/01/2020 – 01/31/2021

With ›Aller Tage Abend,‹ the Berlin-based performer Martin Clausen and the Bremen-based musicians Christoph Ogiermann and Tim Schomacker begin their collaboration, taking a look at daily life, or rather, daily lives. Everyday artifacts mark the starting point of their research: ›objects trouvées,‹ observations, experiences, and thoughts. Their survey of fleeting genres—from the note book to voice messages—reveals the multitude of forms found in everyday life. ClausenOgiermannSchomacker always work with their own positions and attitudes in mind. They disassemble their material to visual, musical and poetic elements and set off on a search for formal principles that result in and from the daily life.

MARTIN CLAUSEN studied cultural science and theater studies at the Humboldt-University Berlin. From 2000 to 2011, he worked as an actor, performer and director with, among others, TWO FISH (with Angela Schubot), and since 2013 he has created productions as “Martin Clausen und Kollegen” at the Sophiensaele, HAU, Tanzfabrik and Podewil (Berlin), the Theater an der Parkaue and PATHOS Munich. He has worked with, among others, the Theater Thikwa and the collectives Gob Squad, SheShePop, SEE!/PeterLicht, and Nico & the Navigators.

CHRISTOPH OGIERMANN (*1967) studied composition at the HfK Bremen and works as a composer, reciter, singer, violinist, author, and performer in the field of music theater / improvisation and art music. Grants from the Heinrich Stobel Stiftung and the Bundesstipendium at the Cité des Artes, Paris. Artistic director of the projektgruppe neue musik bremen and the series REM für elektronische Musik, as well as senior lecturer of the “Meisterkurse der John Cage Orgelstiftung Halberstadt.”

After studying political science and literary studies, TIM SCHOMACKER (*1973) has been working as an author, journalist, musician, and performer in Bremen. In 2013 he won the Videokunst Förderpreis Bremen. Schomacker and Ogiermann are cofounders of the MusikAktionsEnsembles KLANK. In addition to giving concerts, producing films and magazines, he has been engaged with music theater, like the scenic radio essay “Borgsein” (Schwankhalle Bremen, Hessischer Rundfunk) in 2017/18, the theatrical research project “Les Espaces de Thomas Harlan” in 2019 or the theater oratorio / audio drama “Die größte Kraft / Die Sins” (ECLAT-Festival Stuttgart, Deutschlandfunk) in 2019/2020.

The Schwankhalle is one of the residence venues of the national network flausen+ which was initiated by the theater wrede + in Oldenburg. For the funding program #TakeCareResidenzen, flausen+ cooperates with the Fonds Darstellende Künste. 29 theaters from almost all federal states support 350 artists as partners of the Fonds Darstellende Künste with the funds of #TakeCareResidenzen. By means of the program Schwankhalle supports 8 projects by 12 artists.