Performance + discussion in the dark
When dildosaurs dance through the orgasm-landscape and the vulva starts singing, perceptions and worldviews can be knocked off balance. In a constantly changing image world, the bodies of Marja Christians and Isabel Schwenk move about and take on new forms between depictions of genders, humans and animals. Inspired by Hebbel’s text source, they consistently reinterpret structural (male) power relations with a lot of sweat and humor.
BY and WITH Marja Christians und Isabel Schwenk
In COOPERATION with the interdisciplinary choreographer Ayelén Cantini and cobratheater.cobra. Funded by: Friedrich-Weinhagen-Foundation, Sparkasse Hildesheim, JoyDivision, AstA of the University of Hildesheim, Institute for Theatre, Media and Popular Culture of the University of Hildesheim, Studentenwerk OstNiedersachsen.