Anna Mendelssohn:
Cry Me a River

One-Women-Climate Conference in English

1 Nov 6.30 p.m. Introduction + following audience talk
2 Nov 5.30 p.m. ›Was soll das?‹ Practical Introduction

Joint Price System
14 / 10 / 7 EURO 3 EURO Bremen Pass
Tickethotline 520 80 70 or Box office from 1 hour before performance starts.

„Cry Me A River” is a solo about internal and external climate disasters. The central question is: What do my tears have in common with those of the glaciers? The answer is verbose and emotional. In an associative monolog, Anna Mendelssohn brings together a multitude of voices, opinions, discussions, and rhetoric on climate change, interweaving voices of politicians, scientists, surgeons, activists, poets, and deep ecologists with her own personal reflections. She cries. And intermittently dances on thin ice between internal and external worlds, between the personal and political.


Concept/Performance: Anna Mendelssohn
Artistic Collaboration: Yosi Wanunu
Music: Jorge Sánchez-Chiong
Light Design: Jan Maertens

In the frame of the UTOPIA Film Festival. Sponsored by the Culture Department of the City of Vienna and the Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur. Supported by PACT Zollverein Essen.